Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Top Language Arts Work Stations

Here is my top language arts work station today. Taryn and Zach did a wonderful job working together! They came up with their own sentences to edit, correct, and punctuate. In this station, my students use sentence strips to write on, a multicolored pocket chart, and jewels / pipe cleaners for "end marks."  This is a wonderful catch all station that I am going to use throughout the year. I can just add material as I teach the standard in my focus lessons.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Graphing: Today in class we used gummy bears to sort, represent bar graphs, and picture graphs. The kids loved it! My kinesthetic learners loved this assignment. It seemed to spark interest and I got more willing participation out of them than I have had all year.  It was also a great motivational tool to complete their work so they could eat the manipulatives! Ha!